Hi, I’m Jasper 👋

I grew up in a small town in Belgium, with a constant yearning to learn, grow, and travel the world. Taking on the digital nomad lifestyle has led me to more experiences and opportunities than I ever thought imaginable.When I’m not in work mode, I spend time learning, growing, and exploring the world around me. Travel, sports and fitness, and experimentation often come together in my daily personal life. A welcome departure from the strictly-defined structure of marketing and HubSpot Consulting.‍

Whenever I can, I visit friends in San Francisco to hike the Bay Area (though I’ll be hard pressed to give up my favorite secret spot) or snowboard and ski in Switzerland. I’ve seen Asia through the lens of Hong Kong, mainland China in Shenzhen, and Singapore, and have recently taken a keen interest in sailing; the next step is my full captains license. Combine all of these experiences with my love of photography and videography and you can expect some pretty cool sailing in the mediterranean shots from my Sony A7.‍

But more than the things I do or have done, I’m a person. I have a deep sense of empathy and I enjoy connecting with people; that’s why I do what I do. I’m also a guest lecturer in B2B marketing and Digital Marketing at my alma mater PXL University College. I thrive on the balance of giving back to those around me, just as much as I enjoy touring the wines of Saint-Émilion.‍

To find out more about me and where I am or what I’m up to next, feel free to follow me on social media! Or subscribe to my newsletter.

Jasper Meurs on a balcony


Largo Ventures - Entrepreneur, Consultant
Started in 2020 as a project to explore new ventures. The first project I executed within Largo Ventures, the e-commerce store Largo Fit, was an immediate success and has since been sold. Right now my activities within Largo Ventures are focused on HubSpot consulting and research and development of digital and physical products.

Convertis - Growth agency
Started in 2012 while I was still in my studies Business Management, Marketing. Convertis was a Growth Agency based in Belgium with a focus on e-commerce and lead generation. Eventually this business got dissolved to focus on my new business ventures.

Growth Journal - Podcast
Started in 2020 and, after a gap year, putting in decent effort since 2022 with 33 epsiodes released in 2022. With Growth Journal I take a (somewhat) weekly deep dive into ways in which you can grow your business. In this process I also talk about the ways you will simultaneously achieve personal growth as well. Every now and then I will also invite guests on the show. Interested in being a guest? Reach out to me on Twitter.

YouTube - Videos
Over the years I've been dabbeling around with video every now and then. Since 2021 however, I've started puting in some more effort to consistently upload videos. My videos will cover the different topics I'm interested in, usually this falls within any of these categories: Business, Marketing, Productivity, Tech and Lifestyle.

Largo Fit - E-commerce business (Sold)
Ever since I was studying for my business degree in marketing I wanted to start my own e-commerce business. During my studies I had my first attempt, a watch store called TimeShop. It failed miserably.

Then at the end of 2020 I saw an opportunity for a second attempt at this goal of mine and this is when Largo Fit was born. With about 7 years more e-commerce experience then my first attempt, this time it was a huge success. With a focus on customer experience, I grew Largo Fit to one of the best-rated e-commerce stores for fitness equipment in the Netherlands within its first year. Since building the brand was the most exciting to me, I sold the business shortly after to focus on new projects.

I'm still passionate about e-commerce however and I will probably launch a new project in the near future, this time also involving it's own product development.

In the meantime if you need any help with your e-commerce store, feel free to reach out to me.

Want to chat?

Feel free to reach out to me: @Jasper_Meurs

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