Unleashing the Potential of HubSpot Inbound Marketing

When we think about marketing to our audience, we may not always know how to begin. In theory it’s simple, let’s write a blog or a social media post! Great, done. But now what? How do we know if it’s working? Does it normally take this long? And now that the first piece is out there, what do we do next? And when do we do it?  Suddenly, there are a lot more “unknowns” than “knowns”. In my experience as a certified HubSpot Consultant, the answers to these questions often present themselves if we know how to listen to the data, and work a little bit of my marketing magic. With the help of HubSpot, I can propel your business towards exciting paths of growth and success using Inbound Marketing strategies to provide just the right content your customers and prospects desire, at just the right time. How, you may ask? Let’s take a closer look…

Using an Inbound Marketing Approach

According to HubSpot, renowned as a comprehensive CRM, marketing automation, sales enablement, and customer service platform, inbound marketing is a business methodology. And while yes, that’s true, it’s also important to recognize that people are at the heart of every business interaction. Buyer or seller, producer or consumer, people are at the heart of every business transaction that happens around the globe. So it’s important to remember that no matter our end-goal we’re talking about people, not just business methodologies. When we aim to create high-value campaigns, designs, and materials, it’s important to keep the human element alive at every step of the process. 

Sure, but what does that really mean?

Creating Quality Inbound Marketing Content

As we’ve said above, the first step is to create high-quality content. This means writing personable blog posts, articles, and thought pieces, and combining them in a way that creates a campaign which speaks to your ideal customer. It’s a more personal touch to content creation than a mass-mail-social-media-poster-blaster campaign which may have hit-or-miss results. (They serve a purpose overall, but not in Inbound Marketing.) Here, we’re aiming to create content and experiences that resonate with our customers and solve a problem or provide a solution to a need they already knew existed. It’s the automated 3-week follow up email on a recent home-delivery coffee order, this time with their favorite flavor at a 15% discount; just in time for an at-home refill! Complete with a picture of the farm where the coffee beans were sourced, the farmer who harvested them, and a story about how 35% of every transaction in the next 15 days (while supplies last of course!) of that blend goes to support sustainable growing practices on their farm. It’s not just a feel good moment, it’s not just a discount code with a month-end expiration date, it’s a curated experience that caters to every customer interaction and experience.  

Combine stories and experiences like this with well-executed SEO strategies, and ​​this content becomes discoverable by anyone actively searching for solutions or products related to “coffee” “sustainable” “discounts” “delivery” and the list goes on. It elevates your business's products or services to a level that is at the fingertips of the user in a way that seems organic and helpful, not force fed.

Okay but how do I get that content in front of my readers?

As we’ve mentioned, SEO is a huge help for this part. It’s not just SEO optimization though, it’s part of a well-oiled email marketing campaign. And it ties in with a sharp social media campaign across the platforms that resonate best with your audience, to deliver that message to them. Even videos or infographics can serve as amazing tools to help your audience connect with your brand, your content, and feed off that inbound marketing strategy. By using strategically placed calls-to-action (CTAs), you can guide your visitors toward relevant content or offers, encouraging them to share their contact information in exchange for valuable resources. And I’ll bet right about now a cup of coffee sounds pretty good. ☕️

Now that I did all of that, what can I expect in return?

It may seem like a risk at first to change your content strategy and wait for customers and prospects to come pouring in. And the truth is, it does require some patience to get a decent ranking using SEO, you likely won’t see massive sales boosts overnight. In the meantime however, you can set up Google Search Ads to drive traffic to these articles. Recently I did this for a client, cutting the cost per lead for certain keywords in half because we now send people to a more relevant page for the specific keywords. 

Through email marketing and strategic inbound marketing automation, you can stay engaged with customers while offering valuable insights, tips, and product updates. In return this all feeds into building long-term customer relationships to help nurture growth and offer authentic experiences to drive repeat business. With enough time and content creation, you’ll see a pattern evolve for how to segment your customers based on those who respond to certain marketing campaigns and social media CTAs. This gives you the data you need to take certain personalization options to another level, or step back a little to retarget your audience and adjust the message you’re trying to share with your audience.

I guess it’s a bit more complicated than I thought

And that’s okay, that’s what I’m here for! I am passionate about empowering businesses to find the right audience, convert more leads into long-term, returning customers, and stand out in their industry, all with the help of HubSpot Inbound Marketing. By partnering with a certified HubSpot consultant like me, you gain a competitive edge, as I guide you through the intricacies of HubSpot, craft personalized strategies, and unlock the full potential of your marketing efforts. Book a free 30 minute session with me today and let’s see what untapped potential lies at the heart of your business!

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