Fail Fast, Learn Fast: Building a Business Against the Odds

Fail Fast, Learn Fast: Building a Business Against the Odds

The path to success isn’t lined with just wins; it's paved with a series of failures, too. Take my journey: what culminated in a booming e-commerce business that I built and sold during the pandemic started with a series of not-so-successful ventures.

Back in high school, I was dabbling with e-commerce, and by college, I was determined to launch TimeShop, an online watch store. Unfortunately, the watch industry was less than welcoming to digital newcomers, especially to a student with big ideas but little clout.

Years later, I was back at it, this time with ergonomic standing mats aimed at reducing leg and back strain. Despite the practicality, not a single mat sold. It was a flop that could've dampened any spirit.

But then, Largo Fit happened. It wasn't perfect—far from it. Yet, it was the idea that stuck, the one that soared to €100,000 a month in just two months. I sold this business about 18 months later, and since then I’ve been thinking about what will be next. Because guess what? Even Largo Fit wasn’t perfectly executed. I learned A LOT in the process! All learnings that I will take with me to my next venture.

Here's the kicker: Embrace failure. Seek it, even. With every stumble, you're one step closer to the leap that lands. Remember, the sooner you fail, the quicker you learn, and the faster you grow.

Blog post avatar Jasper
By Jasper Meurs
Last updated on
October 31, 2023
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